Law And Disorder

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Brash and brilliant, Nicholas Deketomis has built a highly successful career as a lawyer protecting the rights of the innocent, while winning multibillion dollar lawsuits from the powers that be. “Deke” may have come from the wrong side of the tracks, but he’s built a wonderful life for himself, his wife, and two children in a charming, seaside community along the Florida Panhandle.

Unfortunately, their comfortable lifestyle is suddenly endangered. Involved in a highly contentious, multimillion dollar lawsuit against a powerful pharmaceutical company, while publicly advocating for a liberal Florida State Senate candidate, Deke has challenged the wrong powerbrokers. Scheming against him are a local Bible-thumping preacher, an ambitious district attorney, and two malicious brothers running one of the country’s biggest oil corporations. A vile conspiracy is hatched to bring down Deketomis by setting him up on a bogus murder charge. Getting him out of the way would solve many of their problems.

Deke is in the trial of his life, which quickly becomes a media circus. But this good man will not go down without a bruising fight—especially when he finds his family threatened. And just as it seems that his enemies may have him cornered, he finds help from the unlikeliest source.